b.glam baby blog

Get the latest on b.glam baby press, fashions, & sales! Also, place to share stories about our kids, your kids, and all the cute things they do. And, of course, a place to b.glamorous!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

And the winner is.......

I know you all just dying to know who was the ham of the month for the b.glam cam. After 10's of vote's the winner is finally ready to be announced.

The runner up was Chase 10 weeks old in his custome knot cap that he had won from Kiss FM.

As cute as Chase is he was no match for Kyleigh Marie, 6 months. She was having a blast when mommy snapped this pic of her in "Sweet Pea."

Congradulations Kyleigh!
You'll be receiving your
$50 gift card in the mail soon.

Hold on! I saw that. You just did a double take. Thats right, little Kyleigh won a $50 b.glam baby gift card just because she's so darn cute.

It's not to late for your tot. All you have to do is take a pic of your sweet pea in your fav b.glam garb. Send your “fabtabulous” b.glam baby photo to customerservice@bglambaby.com. Please send the child’s first name, age, your address, email, & phone number. Also include where you purchased the item: either on http://www.bglambaby.com/ or your local boutique. Then all you have to do is tell everyone you know to go to the site and VOTE!!!!!! Send a mass email with the link, advertise in the church bullition. Just get the word out that your kid is the cuttest.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Am I to Old for Harry Potter?

Hello World,

My name is Nancy, aka intern Nancy as I am known at the b.glam offices. Thats right I don't get paid to come and have fun with the b.glam gals. Jeaslious, right? Well you should be becasue for something I'm doing for free it's pretty much the best internship anyone could ask for.

Any way I'm 21 and I like Harry Potter. Up until recently I didn't think this was that wierd. I didn't start reading Harry Potter until after I graduated high school. I had a job at a cart in the mall and I read to pass the time. By the end of the summer I was hooked to Harry Potter.

This was nothing compaired to my friends. I can easily say I had a diverse group of friends in high school. I was friends with the jocks, honor students, and even the metal kids. Most of my friends in all these groups had read the books. I was a late bloomer when it came to Harry Potter.

Now you have to remember that the first Harry Potter book came out in 1997. My friends and I were all 12, the target market for the book. As we grew up so did Harry and his friends. To me it seems natural for us to want to finish the series. In fact when I run into people, when I'm home from school, some of the questions that are bound to be asked are, "Where are you getting the 7th book? Do you think Harry will die? Whats up with Herminoie's cat?"

So why am I questioning my love for this series? I was at the midnight release of the 7th book on friday night. I met up with one of my best friends, Vickie. We got there at 10pm. There were about 20 people in front of us, all under under the age of 15. We think the group of kids in front of us were in junior high. It was hard to tell. One kid had obviously had a growth spirt over the summer because his shorts were way to short. He tried to hit on Vickie. The other boy we suspect will be beaten up in high school if this isn't happening all ready. He rubbed his butt up against Vickie. The otehr guy was a manager at one of the mall stores and he was talking to the girls they were with about jobs at the store. At about 11pm a guy joined them who was at least 18. He had a full beard and had a ring on every finger. He looked like a gypse. The first person to get the book at the store came running out after she bought in and sat right down in the middle of the hall and started to read it. I'll admit it's a good series, but nothing is that good. What I'm getting at is that all these people around us are a big bunch of weirdos'!

Am I to old for Harry Potter? Or am I just a big weirdo like everyone else at the book release?


Friday, July 20, 2007

Little Miss Loral's attitude!!!

Hello to all!! This is my first time blogging-ever. I have been reading a lot of blogs lately and I have found that the most amusing to me are the ones about children. I have two little tots myself-Loral my five year old daughter and Mason my two year old son. These two youngin's definitely keep me hopping-especially Loral. Everyone had always told me how laid back and sweet little girls are and that little boys were wiry balls of energy. Not so in my case. Loral is like a firecracker-she is constantly on the move and into everything, not to mention she sometimes has a sassy mouth.
Loral Annalise is the subject during many of our work day lunches-I have at least one Loral story for everyday of the week. A favorite among us b.glam baby girls is the famous "green pants" story. I bought her super cute beachy lime green capri pants(not to mention all the shirts and accessories to match) and she HATES them. When I say she HATES them, she really despises them. I have tried on many occasions to get her to wear them, but she just won't wear them. We were going to her first ever roller skating party, so I thought these pants would be perfect because they roll up and would be no danger to the four continually rolling wheels. Of course, when she walked in her room and saw them she immediately freaked OUT! "I'm not wearing those" she replied. Me thinking that I could outsmart a five year old replied back "Loral they're so cute and they're green. Money is green, your bedroom is green, God made grass and it's green". Quick as she could get it out she said right back to me "Well God didn't make those green pants and I'm not wearing them!!!" Take that Mommy. That's my Loral-even when I would like to wring her neck she still makes me laugh!


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Check out the b.glam BUZZZZZZ

Hey everyone...b.glam baby has a new BUZZZZ area...check it out! You can see all the great things that people are raving about.

WOW! Here it is... the b.glam BUZZZ
Also, we will have many of the b.glam gals and coworkers commenting on the blog, so you will be able to recognize who is who by what color they are so...here is the LOWDOWN! From here on out it is:
Megan = orange
Tiff = green
Tricia = pink
Laurie = blue
Danielle = red
Intern Nancy = purple
Now you know the "G" as we say...so CHECK IT OUT!

What is the big deal with all this blogging stuff???

Ok, so I was telling my husband about this whole blogging thing. We have had some, shall we say, interesting incidents at the b.glam offices and they have involved the site and blogging. He didn't really get why people are so into telling everyone around the world about their lives and their daily "goings on." Personally, I agree too. Who really cares what I am doing on a day to day basis, but I guess someone does.
So, why is this blogging thing so big? And more importantly, why do people who haven't even met you think that they are your "besties" (this is a college term that I have lovingly kept around because it reminds me of one of my "besties" KT)
When you "meet" someone it is face to face as far as I am concerned. If I have talked to you on the phone or emailed you, I haven't "met" you - I have only emailed or talked to you!
So, it is hard for me to understand why people who haven't even "met" (on my terms face to face) feel that they need to know personal things about you.

I have kept many different groups of friends over the years.

1.There are my friends who I grew up with, which I call "family friends",
2.there are my high school friends, who I actually still see as best as I can - there are about 10 of them and that is a big % seeing that I graduated from a CO-ED Private School with 34 graduates,
3. there are my college friends who are divided into separate groups also -
4. my DG friends,
5. my field hockey friends,
6. and then the random others
7. Then, I go to after I graduate and have my teaching friends, Seeing that I was at a couple different schools teaching, I have about 3 sets of teaching friends. (along with my post-graduate/Masters friends)
8. I have my Mom friends
9. My co-workers presently
10. And finally, another group of "club" friends!

BOY OH BOY!!! That is really exhausting!
However, out of all those friends, they probably would care less about what I am blogging about.
So, I am posing the question to all you "bloggers" out there....
What is so interesting about following other peoples lives, via the Internet, that you haven't even "met?"

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hammin' it up for the b.glam cam

Griffin at 3 years old in his big bro shirt! Now he is 3 1/2

Callista at 6 months old in "I scream you scream shirt! Now she is 11 1/2 months old.

With all the summer fun going around, I know that most people don't have time to go out and have a photo shoot with their little gremlin! And, as we know, this is NOT an easy task. You first have to try and get them dressed, (in their b.glam best - OF COURSE!) making sure their are no remnants left of their breakfast, lunch, dinner, or the never ending snacks that they HAVE to have.

Then, the real fun begins....trying to keep them still - even better yet, look at the camera! But, you can be rewarded for all the fun(or shall we say torture:)) that you get from that one good picture!

Send them in to us at b.glam baby. We will post them on the site for all relative to see! Just click to the b.glam cam and see all the info.

I would personally enter my 2 little "bundles of joy", (See above) but I guess that would defeat the purpose of getting a FREE $50.00 gift card! I can just go and make my own darn shirt:)

Right now, we have some pictures up and Miss Kyleigh Marie is in the lead in her "sweet pea" onesie - a FABtabulous b.glam baby original. What a doll she is!

We are extending the voting till the last day of the month so that if anyone wants to add their little guy or gal, they will have some time. Then, the winner will be posted on the first day of August!

Join in on the fun and tell us your story and we will post it on the blog!

Best of Luck catching your baby/toddler/tween smiling or standing in one place at one time....We feel for you!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Welcome to the new b.glam baby blog. This is the place to find out all the new goings on at b.glam baby. Leave your comments to receive 10% off your next order now through September 1, 2007. Look for your email coming soon...If you aren't on our email list, Sign Up! Contact customerservice@bglambaby.com, then look in your email for your order code.

We look forward to hearing what you have to say!

The b.glam gals


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